In an interview with Srna News Agency, BHMAC Director Saša Obradović, pointed out that the population are not at risk, since all minefields in BiH are marked with mine warning signs. He explained that BHMAC is currently working on a project for which funds were donated by the German Government through which a a new web-oriented IMSMA Core database will be created.
These are new applications that will be developed with the Geneva Center for Humanitarian Demining, and will be uploaded in the shortest possible period. Apart from the mobile application, donors will soon be able to see all implemented projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well.
In addition to the application of mine-suspected areas in BiH, BHMAC is also developing a project to help mine victims to be visible throughout the world and BiH. This is not easy to be implemented, because the BHMAC database is outdated, and all data must be transferred correctly”, Obradović pointed out. He reminded that citizens who need to move around countryside can get detailed and verified information in one of the eight BHMAC regional offices throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Obradović expressed his satisfaction that the mobile application was well accepted by the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially by the mountaineering and hunting associations, helping people to avoid approaching minefields. “The application and all the warnings we set up, have shown their effectiveness, since last year only one person was killed in a minefield. It is a hunter who was aware of mine presence and deliberately entered the marked area. For seven months, we have had no casualties from landmines, and that is why we can say that BHMAC members are doing a very important job for the citizens of Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH”, stated Obradović.
There are currently 860 square kilometers of mine-suspected area in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Obradović announced that by September 1st, all known areas contaminated with cluster munitions will be cleaned, thus BiH will fully comply with the obligations arising from the Convention on cluster munitions. “We will submit an official report on this at the next Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munition in Geneva. In this way one of the goals of the Mine Action Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be fulfilled. We hope that donors will see great and good work that is being done in BiH, and that they will continue to help demining and providing the safety of our citizens,” said Obradović.
In an interview with Srna News Agency, BHMAC Director Saša Obradović, pointed out that the population are not at risk, since all minefields in BiH are marked with mine warning signs. He explained that BHMAC is currently working on a project for which funds were donated by the German Government through which a a new web-oriented IMSMA Core database will be created.
These are new applications that will be developed with the Geneva Center for Humanitarian Demining, and will be uploaded in the shortest possible period. Apart from the mobile application, donors will soon be able to see all implemented projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well.
In addition to the application of mine-suspected areas in BiH, BHMAC is also developing a project to help mine victims to be visible throughout the world and BiH. This is not easy to be implemented, because the BHMAC database is outdated, and all data must be transferred correctly”, Obradović pointed out. He reminded that citizens who need to move around countryside can get detailed and verified information in one of the eight BHMAC regional offices throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Obradović expressed his satisfaction that the mobile application was well accepted by the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially by the mountaineering and hunting associations, helping people to avoid approaching minefields. “The application and all the warnings we set up, have shown their effectiveness, since last year only one person was killed in a minefield. It is a hunter who was aware of mine presence and deliberately entered the marked area. For seven months, we have had no casualties from landmines, and that is why we can say that BHMAC members are doing a very important job for the citizens of Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH”, stated Obradović.
There are currently 860 square kilometers of mine-suspected area in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Obradović announced that by September 1st, all known areas contaminated with cluster munitions will be cleaned, thus BiH will fully comply with the obligations arising from the Convention on cluster munitions. “We will submit an official report on this at the next Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munition in Geneva. In this way one of the goals of the Mine Action Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be fulfilled. We hope that donors will see great and good work that is being done in BiH, and that they will continue to help demining and providing the safety of our citizens,” said Obradović.
Мобилна апликација минско сумњивих подручја у БиХ тренутно није у функцији због свеобухватног ажурирања, али ће грађанима поново бити на располагању за најдуже два мјесеца