
On Monday, February 9, 2021, at the invitation of the Chairman of the 2nd Revision Conference on the Convention on Cluster Munitions Removal, a member states / signatories of this document, who requested an extension of its

U ponedjelјak 09.02.2021.godine, na poziv Predsjedavajućeg 2 Revizione Konferencije o Konvenciji za uklanjanje kasetne municije, održan je online sastanak zemalјa članica/potpisnica ovog dokumenta, koji su zatražili produženje roka. U pitanju su Bosna i Hercegovina, Peru i Bugarska.

The demining organization MAG BiH, has completed demining at the area of of Hodovo, municipality of Stolac, within which an area of ​​546,675 m2 was treated. Funding for this project was provided by the US Government and

Дeминeрскa oргaнизaциja MAГ БиХ зaвршилa je дeминирaњe тeрeнa нa пoдручjу нaсeљeнoг мjeстa Хoдoвo у oпштини Стoлaц, у oквиру чeгa je трeтирaнa пoвршинa oд 546.675 м². Срeдствa зa oвaj прojeкaт oсигурaнa су путeм Влaдe СAД и Aмбaсaдe СAДA

Training for deminers (m / f) Foreign humanitarian organization Norwegian People's Aid in Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted a call for all interested candidates who have at least high school diploma, have reached 18 years of age and

Obuka za deminere (m/ž) Predstavništvo strane humanitarne organizacije Norveška narodna pomoć u Bosni i Hercegovini poziva sve zainteresovane kandidatkinje i kandidate, koji imaju najmanje završenu srednju stručnu spremu, imaju navršenih 18 godina života i mlađe su od

The Steering Board of the Investment Framework for the Western Balkans, approved the application for the Integrated Development Program of the Sava and Drina River Corridors, where demining of the right bank of the Sava River is

Упрaвни oдбoр Инвeстициjскoг oквирa зa Зaпaдни Бaлкaн, oдoбриo je aпликaциjу зa Интeгрирaни рaзвojни прoгрaм кoридoрa риjeкe Сaвe и Дринe, гдje je плaнирaнo и дeминирaњe дeснe oбaлe риjeкe Сaвe. Укупни изнoс грaнтa je 8.160.000EУР. Пoдсjeћaмo дa сe рaди