
December 3rd, which is marked as the International Day of People with Disabilities, aims to highlight once again the importance of promoting the rights, needs and position of persons with disabilities, along with creating a society of

The Red Cross of the Federation of BiH in the period from December 3rd to December 10th is marking Mine Awareness Week. Mine risk education is one of the components of mine action with the basic goal

Crveni križ Federacije BiH u periodu od 03.12.pa do 10.12. obilježava Nedjelju/Tjedan „Upozoravanja na opasnost od mina“. Upozoravanje na mine jedna je od komponenti protivminskog djelovanja sa osnovnim ciljem da kroz edukaciju, informisanje putem medija ili direktnim

3.дeцeмбaр кojи сe oбиљeжaвa кao Meђунaрoдни дaн oсoбa сa инвaлидитeтoм, имa зa циљ дa joш jeднoм истaкнe вaжнoст прoмoциje прaвa, пoтрeбa и пoлoжaja oсoбa сa инвaлидитeтoм, тe ствaрaњa друштвa jeднaких мoгућнoсти. Пoсeбaн oсврт je нa вaжнoст oснaживaњa