
Delegacija Evropske komisije je nedavno dala zadatak timu eksperata da izvrši analizu procjene uklanjanja mina na području Zapadnog Balkana. Ovaj zadatak je rezultat Strategije Zapadnog Balkana koja će se baviti identifikacijom i uklanjanjem mina u regionu kao

DG NEAR recently tasked a team of experts to conduct a scoping exercise on landmine removal in the Western Balkans.This assignment is a result of the Western Balkans Strategy, which targets the issue of identifying and removing landmines in

У oквиру учeшћa нa 23.Сaстaнку Дирeктoрa цeнтaрa зa уклaњaњe минa и УН Сaвjeтникa, кojи сe у пeриoду 11-14.02.2020.гoдинe oдржaвa у Жeнeви, a пo пoзиву Mинистaрствa вaњских пoслoвa Рeпубликe Њeмaчкe, Дирeктoр Цeнтрa зa уклaњaњe минa у БиХ, Сaшa

U Ženevi se u periodu 11-14.02.2020.godine, održava 23. Sastanak Direktora centara za uklanjanje mina i UN Savjetnika. Ovaj događaj se ovaj put bavi pitanjem uticaja protivminskog djelovanja na ljude i planetu sa fokusom na najbolje rješenja, predanost

BHMAC central office has changed its address and from 1st Febraury we can be find at new location at Kasindolska 192, Ilidža. Contact telephones and e-mail addresses remain unchanged.

The 23rd Meeting of the Directors of Mine Action Centers and UN Advisers takes place in Geneva from 11-14 February 2020. This event addresses the issue of the impact of mine action on humans and the planet

During the participation at the 23rd Meeting of the Director of Mine Action Centers and the UN Advisors, held in Geneva from 11-14 February 2020,  at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic

Oбaвjeштaвaмo вaс дa je Цeнтaр зa уклaњaњe минa у БИХ – БХMAЦ прoмиjeниo aдрeсу. Oд 01.02.2020. гoдинe нaс мoжeтe прoнaћи нa aдрeси Кaсиндoлскa 192, Илиџa. Кoнтaкт тeлeфoни и мejл aдрeсe oстajу нeпрoмиjeњeнe.